You have heard the name of Computer Operator, then you must have also heard the name of DEO, where DEO’s Full Form is Data Entry Operator, both of them belong to the same category, in fact, both are the same where Data Entry Operator is called Computer Operator.
It is said that just a computer operator is not limited to data entry, it is necessary to come to other tasks related to the computer. You all must know a little bit that what is the work of a computer operator. , Computer Operator is needed ” either Apply here for DEO (Data Entry Operator), You must have seen all these notices on the bus stands, in the walls of the college, in the station, on the Public Notice Board and once you must have thought what they mean.
A computer operator means or simply says that his job is to enter data, here data means having any kind of information and that information can be anything that a operator can get in digital form with the help of software. To be recorded and stored. What is the job profile of this Computer Operator, and what work do they do? If you have all the same questions in your mind then you must read this article What is Computer Operator?
A computer operator performs the work done in a computer from basic to advanced level, if you want to make a career in the computer field then you have to go above basic because today time In this, everyone has basic knowledge of computer and the competition in this field is increasing a lot. This job is a job that any technical or non-technical person can do with great ease. Just some technical knowledge like MS Word either MS Excel Must have some knowledge.
A computer operator normally needs to have knowledge of Data Entry Software like MS Word, and MS Excel and the basic job of a computer operator is to do all the work related to the computer in the office like letter drafting, typing, email drafting, Datastore, printout, internet browsing etc.
Apart from this, the most important thing is typing speed. If you want to do this job in future then you have to pay attention to your typing speed. This job is often available in all government, and private companies, that too part-time and full-time. So if you have already determined that you will have to do this in future. For this, you have to prepare yourself differently. But people do not know how to do this. That’s why today I thought that why should I provide information about what is a computer operator so that it will be easy for you to choose this job. Then without delay let’s start.
What is Computer Operator?
Computer Operate is a person who is capable of doing all the small and big tasks connected to the computer. The work of the Computer Operator and DEO is almost the same. Whereas the work of DEO is mainly limited to data entry. At the same time, the work of a computer operator is not limited to data entry, but it is necessary to be able to do all the work related to the computer.
DEO full form of Data Entry Operator, This is also like a computer operator. Or rather, both are actually the same. In both of these, the operator has to input the data into the computer.

In this, the typing speed of that operator and basic computer That knowledge is of more use to him. Since there is only a lot of data, it becomes more difficult to do this work if there is no good typing speed.
With this the error rate of DEO should also be reduced, otherwise, it will have an impact in its efficiency. Official work is often entering data, preparing an excel sheet, type in MS Word, so the computer operator must have some knowledge about computers or the use of their applications.
So that he does not have any problem using these applications. Computer Operator should use output devices such as keyboard, mouse, and printer because he has to use only these for their work.
How to become a Computer Operator?
To become a Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator, you do not need much qualification nor it is necessary to have more knowledge of computers but, if you want a government job as a Operator or even in a private company. If you want the job and salary of a good Computer Operator, then you have to pay attention to some of the things given below.
Like – What should be the educational qualification for Data Entry Operator, Typing Speed, and computer knowledge?
Educational Qualification – To become a operator, you have enough educational qualifications up to 12th class also, on the basis of this you can also become some private sector if you apply for Computer Operator job then that You can ask for a computer diploma of at least 6 months, but on the basis of 12th, the government job for a computer operator is a lot of work, so it will be a good thing if you do graduation as well.
What knowledge is necessary to become a computer operator?
By the way, it is not necessary for a computer operator to have much knowledge in any subject. But still, there are some things about which they should have some knowledge. Let us know more about this.
educational qualification,
If I talk about educational qualification, then having a +2 pass or intermediate is also very much, while in some places graduation (up to graduation) is demanded. In some places, a Computer Diploma (6 months) is also very much. Actually, it depends on which position you are applying for or which department you have to work in later. Because according to the posts and job profiles, there is a demand for educational qualifications.
Typing Speed,
Since the main job of an operator is to enter the data, therefore high typing speed is a very important link in the selection of DEO. By the way, if the candidate types well in both English and Hindi, then the chances of getting selected are high.
Talking about Typing Speed, then minimum 35 words per minute is more than then it is considered as a good typing speed. If you think that you have that much speed then you can apply for the post.
knowledge of the language (having knowledge of the language) –
In this job profile, an operator has to type in both English and Hindi many times. In such a situation, if the operator does not have knowledge of the language, then he will have difficulty in typing both. You have to type by seeing many times, while you have to type by listening many times, so in such a situation, if you do not have knowledge of the language, then it is very difficult to do the work of this operator. That is why it is necessary to be strong in the language.
computer knowledge,
The Data Entry Operator always has to work in the computer itself. Therefore, if the operator does not have any knowledge about the computer, then he is going to find this work very difficult. Along with typing in this work, one should know how to operate Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Excel.
Apart from this, sending emails should also be done using basic technology.
Computer Operator Job, Salary and Course
By now you must have understood what is the work of a computer operator/data entry operator, Now we will know more about the job process of a computer operator, how much is the salary of a computer operator, as well as know which course should be done for a computer operator, so let’s see.
Computer Operator Job:
Government jobs for Computer Operators/Data Entry Operators keep coming out from time to time, according to the eligibility and criteria, one can apply for the job in the exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC).
There are different eligibility criteria for different categories, by giving SSC CHSL exam, you can get the job of computer operator on the basis of 12th also and apart from this job for computer operator in railway also comes out.
What is the selection process for Computer Operators?
If you really want to become a computer operator, then you should prepare well for it, and along with it, special attention should be paid to typing. One operator In the selection process, he has to take some exams and interviews have to give. This interview is not compulsory in some places.
Talking about exams, then you will get a Written Test (written test) which has to be given a Cutoff There are marks and you have to cross that cut-off to give further exams.
Whereas after the Written Test, your Typing Speed Test Happens also. Here more attention is paid to the typing of a candidate. Then an interview is also taken in some places, in which you are asked about some basic technical questions and some general knowledge.
Computer operator exam is conducted in different ways by different departments. Therefore, before preparing for the exam, it is important to know what its exam pattern is.
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What is the age limit for computer operators?
Let us know about the age limit of a Computer Operator.
Age Limit of Data Entry Operator – 18 to 28 years
Age Limit of Computer Operator – 18 to 30 years
How much salary does a computer operator get?
The job profile of Computer Operator and Data Entry Operator is different in different sectors. They are also given different salaries in different sectors. There are mainly two sectors in India, Government Sector and Private Sector. In both these sectors, their salary is determined by considering the qualification, experience and organization of the person.
- salary in the government sector – 15,000 to 25,000 approximately every month
- salary in the private sector – 20,000 to 30,000 approximately every month
The thing to note here is that this salary keeps on increasing with the passage of time.
What is the job of a computer operator?
As the name suggests, their main job is to do data entry. For this, they use a keyboard, mouse, scanner and computer screen. besides them, Microsoft Excel Data has to be filled in, and a document has to be created in MS Word. Also, sometimes they have to email as well. If you look at all the things, then they mainly have official work.
What is the salary of a computer operator in the ministry?
If we look at the salary of a computer operator in any ministry, then we will get to know that it is close to Rs.15,000 to Rs.24,000 Happens till. These figures also depend on the post and experience.
What is the job of a computer operator?
The main job of a computer operator is to do data entry.
What to do to become a computer operator?
To become a computer operator, you must first have computer knowledge, secondly, you should have knowledge about all computer software, you should also be able to run it together, thirdly you should also have knowledge of different operating systems, such as windows, ios, Linux etc.
what did you learn today?
I hope you guys what is computer operator, Gave complete information about it and I hope that you guys must have understood what is the work of a computer operator.
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