BSEB Bihar Board Admit Card 2022: If there is an error in the Bihar Board Inter or matric Admit Card, then you will get entry through Aadhar Voter Card. The dates for the Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) examinations have been out. While the matriculation examination will be held from February 17 to 14 next month, the intermediate examination will be conducted from February 1 to February 14, 2022, at various examination centers in the state.
In Bihar Board matric and Intermediate Annual Examination 2022 if any student will have any kind of error in the photo on the Bihar Board Admit Card, then they do not have to worry. They will get admission at the center even after this. Just take such candidates with them like Aadhar Card, Voter Id Card, Bank Passbook, Pan Card etc. With this, the candidate will get admission at the center. This information has been given by the Bihar Board to all the centers.

During the BSEb matric and inter examination, if such candidates are caught at the center, whose photo is missing in the admit card, unclear photo or someone else’s photo remains in the Bihar Board Admit Card, then such student will be matched with their other government papers. . After matching, the student will be allowed to appear in the examination. Inter examination is to be conducted from February 1 to 14.
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Bihar Board Admit Card correction at Board level Improvement
If the spelling in the name is not correct on the admit card issued by the Bihar Board, then to enter the examination hall, the students will have to enter the examination hall along with the admit card, Aadhar card, voter ID card, bank passbook, PAN card etc. Letters may be required. Therefore, it is necessary that the students should also carry these documents with them so that they do not face any problems at the examination center.
If there is an error in the Bihar Board Inter or matric Admit Card 2022, then students will get entry through Aadhar Voter Card. After allowing the candidate to enter the center, the center superintendent will go to the examination app and select the roll code and roll number of the student concerned through the Bihar Board Admit Card correction link and send it to the board along with their photograph. Due to this, the photo of the student’s admit card will be corrected immediately. After this the student will not have to go round the board.
Bihar Board 10th Final Admit Card 2022 Released, Download Now
Inter Examiner attendance, expelled data online
An examination app has been created by the board for malpractice-free inter-examination conduct. In this, computer teachers or computer knowledgeable personnel have been kept from every center. After the examination is over, the data of the candidate’s attendance, absence, and the expelled student will be sent shift-wise. With this, the board will get the information every day. All the employees of the Examination App will be trained by the Board by forming a division-wise WhatsApp group. If a student’s fever etc. is caught in the investigation, then such student will be taken for examination later.
Students with cold and flu will have a separate examination
In the Bihar Board Inter Annual Examination, there will be a different examination for the students with colds and coughs.
Bihar Board Inter exam is going to start. For this, preparations have been made by all the schools. The examination will be taken under the Corona guidelines. The examination will be taken by sitting separately for the student having a cold. If a student has symptoms of fever etc., then such student will be taken for examination. The body temperature of the students will be checked every day before the exam.
In case of any problems related to the examination, the control room will work from 9 am to 6 pm. The helpline number 0612-2232227 has been issued by the board.
Release of e-magazine for preparation of intermediate students
The e-magazine has been released for the candidates appearing in the Intermediate Annual Examination conducted by the Bihar Board. The new e-magazine released under the leadership of DEO Rajdev Ram has been prepared by all the teachers involved in this program under the aegis of Gaya Guidance Programme.
This magazine has been prepared separately for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Hindi, English, History, Geography, Economics and Political Science, in which there is a collection of probable questions and answers for the annual examination of 2022. It is available on the YouTube channel of the Gaya Guidance Program.
Any student can view and read it by searching the guidance program on YouTube or by scanning the QR code. A link to its PDF is available in the description of the Guidance Program’s YouTube channel. By downloading it, students can also study in offline mode and study according to their time and get good knowledge as well as good marks in the examination.
Free Crash Course under Guidance Program
Gaya Guidance Program is run under the guidance and direction of Rajdev Ram District Education Officer Gaya and Anand Kumar District Program Officer, Secondary Education Gaya. For the last 3 months, free crash courses were being conducted for the students appearing in the Inter examination under the Gaya Guidance Program. After the completion of this course, at present, free crash courses have been started for the students appearing in the matriculation examination.
The video of the class conducted is being uploaded on the YouTube channel. Students can watch and read it anytime by searching Gaya Guidance Program on the YouTube channel. In order to reach the benefits of this program to the students, at the school level also, by creating a WhatsApp group of the students of class 10th and 12th, the content and videos enhanced by the teachers are being passed on to them.