Krishi Input Anudan Status Check: There are many people of Bihar who do farming and farmers’ crops have to suffer heavy losses due to natural calamities. Due to which many farmers commit suicide, in view of all these problems, the state government has started the Agriculture Input Grant Scheme 2022. Agriculture Input Grant Scheme has been started by the Government of Bihar to benefit the farmers of the state. Under this scheme, the farmers of the state whose decisions have been affected by rain and hailstorm or their crops have suffered a lot, those farmers will be provided a maximum grant amount of Rs 13500 per hectare by the government.

DBT Bihar Agriculture Input Subsidy Scheme will be given according to the criteria of assistance under natural calamities notified by the Government of India and local calamities by the State Government. Under this Krishi Input Subsidy Scheme 2022, Rs.6,800 per hectare for rainfed (non-irrigated) crop area and Rs.13,500 per hectare for the irrigated area and cultivable land where sand/land for crop damage caused by flood / excessive rain. For silt deposits more than 3 inches, a grant will be given at the rate of Rs.12,200 per hectare. Have you also applied online for Bihar Agriculture Input Grant Scheme and now Agriculture Input Grant Application Status Check want to do? so this article Krishi Input Anudan Status Check It’s for you. In this article, we will know how to check Bihar Agriculture Input Grant Status with the help of your mobile or laptop sitting at home?
Bihar Krishi Input Anudan Status Check Online
scheme name | Agriculture Input Grant Scheme Bihar |
beneficiary | State farmer brothers and sisters |
Department Name | Agriculture Department |
official website | |
helpline number | 18001801551 |
Email ID | [email protected] |
Bihar Krishi Input Anudan Status Check Kaise Kare? Quick Process
- Go to the official website of DBT Agriculture Bihar – Click Here
- Click on the option of Application Status / Application Print in the menu.
How to check Bihar Agriculture Input Grant Status?
- step 1 First of all you have to click on the button given below DBT Agriculture Bihar Go to the official website of Bihar
- Step 2 Now you have to click on the three lines on the left and from the menu that will open Application Status / Application Print Click on the option.
- Again some more options will open in which you will have Agricultural Input Grant Scheme (2021-22) Application Status Click on it as shown in the photo below.
- Step 3 click in front of you Check Application Status of Input Kharif A page will open. Here you have to enter your application number Search To click on the button. As in the photo below.
- Step 4 As soon as you search, that farmer’s name in front of you Agriculture Input Grant Status Will come openly. It is written where the application has reached.
As above I checked the status of my Krishi Input Anudan Yojana, my status is showing Status: Pending at AC Level It means that my application is currently on AC (Agriculture Coordinator) ie Agriculture Coordinator level. So in this way you can easily check Bihar Agriculture Input Grant Status and know where your application has reached.
What to do if Krishi Input Anudan Status shows Pending?
If your status is also showing pending after checking, then you will have to submit the receipt of the agricultural input grant which you received while applying, attaching the Xerox of Aadhar card, bank passbook, land receipt, etc. to your farmer advisor.

As soon as you submit all the documents to your farmer advisor, he will verify those documents and forward them, and soon the money for the agricultural input grant will come into your account.
Benefits and features of Bihar Agriculture Input Grant Scheme
Attention applicants, here we are going to tell you about the benefits of Krishi Input Anudan Yojana 2022. The information related to the benefits of Krishi Input Anudan Yojana and the features of the scheme are as follows –
- Only farmers of Bihar state can take benefit of this scheme.
- A grant of Rs 1000 has been kept for the farmers.
- The grant amount will be given to the farmers having 2 hectares of land.
- The application form can be filled through online mode only.
- If your district has proved to be drought prone in the block, then only you will be able to take advantage of this scheme.
- For irrigation land, an assistance amount of Rs 13500 will be provided for the year.
- Under the scheme, the crops are ruined due to floods and hail storms, the government will give them the help of Rs 6800 per hectare.
- In the land where sand and silk deposits will be more than 3 inches, the government will give assistance amounting to 12200 per hectare to the farmers of that land in the state.
Required eligibility for application
Those interested candidates who want to apply for Krishi Input Anudan Yojana 2022, have to get some necessary eligibility about which we are going to tell you through the points given below. These eligibilities are as follows
Applicant should be a domicile of Bihar state.
It is mandatory for the farmer to have cultivable land.
If you have the land papers then only you will be considered eligible for the scheme.
If the farmer is a sharecropper (participant cultivator), then in this, the cultivator (another farmer) and if he has his own land, then in such a situation he will have the land papers and along with it the affidavit (in which it is written that he has have not taken any grant).
Bihar Agriculture Input Grant Scheme Online Application Process
If you also want to apply online and become a beneficiary of the scheme, then read the given steps carefully.
- First of all, you go to the official website of the Bihar Agriculture Department.
- Now the home page of such a website will open in front of you. Agriculture-Input-Grant-Scheme-Online-awedan-prkriya
- On the home page, you have to go to the apply online option and click on the option of Agricultural Input Grant Scheme.
- On the new page, you have to enter the registration number. And along with this you have to read all the instructions carefully. application-form-online-kisan-input-grant-scheme
- After which you click on the search option.
- After clicking, the application form will open in front of you on the new page.
- Fill the information asked in the application form like: Name, Age, Address, Name of Parents, Aadhar Card Number, Panchayat Kisan Category, Date of Birth etc.
- After this, in the form, the farmer has to fill all the details of his land such as: area of the land (2 hectares), type of farmer, and the reason for crop failure, and all the details of cultivable land of the farmer, and declaration part etc. Click on SEND OTP, after which you will receive OTP (One Time Password) on your registered mobile.
- Applicant should fill the OTP received, and check all the attached documents again.
- After that click on submit option.
Other Schemes for Farmer Brothers
Scheme name | to read |
Bihar Krishi Input Anudan Yojana Apply | Click Here |
Bihar State Crop Assistance Scheme | Click Here |
Bihar Seed Grant Scheme | Click Here |
PM Kisan Payment Status Check | Click Here |
Questions and answers related to agricultural input grant
u003cstrongu003eWhat to do if not found on checking agricultural input grant status?u003c/strongu003e
You have to contact your farmer advisor and before that, where you filled the form, you also have to find out from the cyber person why the status is not showing.
u003cstrongu003eWhen will Krishi Input Anudan’s money come?u003c/strongu003e
The money for the agricultural input grant will come to your account now after the process is completed and the verification is completed. You will have to wait a few more days for this.
What is Bihar Agriculture Input Grant?
Agriculture Input Grant Bihar Government is given grant-in-aid to the farmers of crops damaged due to storm/storm/flood/rain.
The objective of Agriculture Input Grant Scheme 2022
Due to which many farmers commit suicide, in view of all these problems, the state government has started Agricultural Input Grant Scheme 2022. the grant will be provided
What is Agricultural Input?
At present, under the Krishi Input Subsidy Scheme 2021, a maximum grant amount of Rs 13500 per hectare is provided to the farmer on the loss of crops due to untimely rain or hailstorm. This grant amount is determined in case the land is irrigated or unirrigated.
How to download Krishi Input Grant Panchayat Kis List?
The link to download the list of Bihar Agriculture Input Grant Panchayat is given above or you can also download it from the official website of Agriculture Department, Government of Bihar.