Beej Anudan Bihar 2023: Agriculture is a vital sector for the economy of the state of Bihar and provides livelihood to a large portion of its population. The government of Bihar has taken several initiatives to improve the agricultural sector in the state and one such initiative is the “Beej Anudan Bihar” scheme.
In this article, we will delve deep into the details of the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme and understand its significance in promoting agricultural growth in the state.
किसानों को अधिक एवं गुणवत्तायुक्त उत्पादन के लिए बिहार सरकार के ओर से सब्सिडी पर उन्नत एवं प्रमाणित बीज लेने के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन मांगे जाते है जिसके लिए जो किसान बीज अनुदान का लाभ उठाना चाहते हैं वो DBT Aggriculture के आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर ऑनलाइन कर सकते हैं । ये भी पढ़े : मुख्यमंत्री अनुसूचित जाति एवं अनुसूचित जनजाति उद्यमी योजना बिहार सरकार
किसान घर बैठे अपने मोबाईल/लैपटाप से अनुदान आवेदन कर सकते हैं जिसके लिए 13 अंकों का किसान पंजीकरण संख्या भरना अनिवार्य होगा अगर किसान खुद से नहीं आवेदन फॉर्म भर सकते तो अपने नजदीकी कामन सर्विस केंद्र या वसुधा केंद्र से भी ऑनलाइन करवा सकते हैं । ये भी पढ़े : वोटर कार्ड (मतदाता पहचान पत्र) स्लिप फोटो के साथ डाउनलोड करें
What is Beej Anudan Bihar?
Beej Anudan Bihar is a scheme launched by the government of Bihar with an aim to promote and support the agricultural sector in the state. The scheme provides financial assistance to farmers in the form of subsidies for purchasing seed, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs.
बीज अनुदान के लिए जरुरी बातें:-
- अनुदान में लिए गए बीज का प्रयोग – खेती के अलावा किसी अन्य प्रयोजन में इस्तेमाल नहीं किसान नहीं कर सकते।
- फसल अवशेष को नहीं जला सकते।
- बीज अनुदान में मांग की गयी बीज का उठाव नहीं करने पर कृषि विभाग की योजनाओ में लाभ लेने हेतु अगले तीन वर्षो के लिए वंचित कर दिया जाएगा।
- एक किसान को अधिकतम 5 एकड़ के लिए बीज दिया जायेगा।
- 8 किग्रा0 का होम डिलीवरी शुल्क 100 रू0।
- 16 एवं 20 किग्रा0 का होम डिलीवरी शुल्क 200 रू0।
फसल का नाम | योजना | अनुमानित मूल्य (रू0 /कि0 ग्राम | 10 वर्ष से कम के प्रभेद (अनुमान्य अनुदान ) | 10 वर्ष से अधिक के प्रभेद (अनुमान्य अनुदान) |
मूंग | N.F.S.M 2020 | 111.90 | मूल्य का 50% | 25.00 रु0 प्रति कि.ग्राम |
उरद | N.F.S.M 2020 | 95.00 | मूल्य का 50% | – |
मूंगफली | N.F.S.M 2020 | 95.00 | 40.00 रु0 प्रति कि.ग्राम | – |
सूर्यमुखी | N.F.S.M 2020 | 299.50 | 40.00 रु0 प्रति कि.ग्राम | – |
संकर मक्का | N.F.S.M 2020 | 122.00 | 70.00 रु0 प्रति कि.ग्राम | – |
बीज अनुदान योजना के अंतर्गत किसानों तक सुलभता पूर्वक बीज पहुँचाने के लिए में सात जिलों बांका, मधुबनी, मुजफ्फरपुर, नवादा, गया, समस्तीपुर एवं रोहतास में प्रयोग के तौर पर सशुल्क होम डिलीवरी की वयवस्था की जा रही है।
Benefits of Beej Anudan Bihar
The Beej Anudan Bihar scheme provides several benefits to farmers in the state. Some of the key benefits of the scheme are:
- Financial assistance: Farmers in the state can avail of financial assistance in the form of subsidies for purchasing seeds, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs. This will help farmers in reducing their production costs and increase their profits.
- Improved quality of crops: By promoting the use of quality seeds and fertilizers, the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme aims to improve the quality of crops produced in the state. This will result in higher yields and better-quality crops, which will ultimately lead to increased income for farmers.
- Increased agricultural production: By providing financial assistance to farmers, the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme aims to increase the production of crops in the state. This will not only benefit farmers but will also contribute to the overall development of the agricultural sector in the state.
Who is eligible for Beej Anudan Bihar?
To be eligible for the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme, farmers in the state need to fulfill certain eligibility criteria. Some of the key eligibility criteria are:
- The farmer must be a resident of Bihar.
- The farmer must be a cultivator and must possess agricultural land in the state.
- The farmer must be engaged in agricultural activities and must have a valid agricultural license.
The agriculture department will then verify the information provided by the farmer and if found eligible, the farmer will be provided with the subsidy as per the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme.
What documents are required to apply for Beej Anudan Bihar?
The following documents are required to apply for the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme:
- Proof of residency in Bihar
- Proof of possession of agricultural land in the state
- Agricultural license
- PAN Card
- Bank account details
How much subsidy is provided under Beej Anudan Bihar?
The amount of subsidy provided under the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme varies based on the type of agricultural inputs being purchased by the farmer. The exact amount of subsidy can be obtained from the nearest agriculture office or Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK).
How to Apply for Beej Anudan Bihar
Farmers who wish to avail the benefits of the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme can apply for the scheme through the following steps:
- Visit the official website of DBT..
- Fill in the application form and attach the necessary documents.
- Submit the application form and required documents to the agriculture website.
The agriculture department will then verify the information provided by the farmer and if found eligible, the farmer will be provided with the subsidy as per the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme.
In conclusion, the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme is a crucial initiative taken by the government of Bihar to promote and support the agricultural sector in the state. By providing financial assistance to farmers and promoting the use of quality seeds and fertilizers, the scheme aims
Beej Anudan Bihar is a scheme launched by the government of Bihar to support and promote the agricultural sector in the state. The scheme provides financial assistance to farmers in the form of subsidies for purchasing seed, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs.
In this article, we will answer some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme.
What is Beej Anudan Bihar?
Beej Anudan Bihar is a scheme launched by the government of Bihar with the aim of promoting and supporting the agricultural sector in the state. The scheme provides financial assistance to farmers in the form of subsidies for purchasing seed, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs.
What are the objectives of Beej Anudan Bihar?
The primary objective of the Beej Anudan Bihar scheme is to provide financial assistance to farmers in the state and improve the quality of agriculture in Bihar. The scheme aims to increase the production of crops and improve the income of farmers. Additionally, the scheme also aims to promote the use of quality seeds and fertilizers, which will result in higher yields and better quality crops.
बीज अनुदान के सभी स्टेप देखने के लिए नीचे दिए गए वीडियो को देखे और और लेटेस्ट वीडियो देखने के लिए हमारा YouTube चैनल Subscribe जरूर करे , अगर बीज अनुदान से सम्बंधित आपके पास कोई प्रश्न है तो कृपया कमेंट कर के पूछे | हम उसका जबाब जल्द से जल्द देने के कोशिश करेंगे।