Bihar Board Matric exam 2022: The Matric exam of Bihar School Examination Committee will be held from February 17. Students will be given admission up to 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination. The first shift exam will start from 9.30 am. In such a situation, candidates can enter the examination centers till 9.20. At the same time, the second shift examination will start from 1.45 i.e. till 1.35, the candidates can enter the examination centers

1,525 centers in the state for 16 lakh candidates: A total of 16 lakh 48 thousand 894 students will appear in the year 2022 MATIC examination. For this 1,525 examination centers have been set up. Eight lakh six thousand 795 students and eight lakh 42 thousand 189 students will appear in this year’s Matric exam. The Matric exam will run from February 17 to 24.
Four model centers in every district: Four model examination centers will be set up in every district. Students will take the exam at these centres. The invigilators and security personnel at the model centers will also be women. In Rajdhani Bankipur Girls School, Shastrinagar Girls School, Kamla Nehru Girls U.V. And Gardnibagh Girls School has been made a model examination centre. These centers will be decorated in a grand manner.
Entry will be with shoes and socks: The board has made it clear that candidates can enter the examination centers with shoes and socks. This information has already been given to all the examination center in-charges. This decision has been taken keeping in view the weather.
One invigilator for 25 candidates: In the Matric exam, one speculum will be posted for every 25 candidates. Every day they have to declare that 25 examinees do not have any objectionable material. Identity cards will be issued by the in charge of the examination center for the teachers and staff posted at the centre.
Control room will work from today
Control room has been set up by the board. Will start working from Wednesday morning. The control room will function on 24th till 6 pm.
Control Room No: 0612-2232227, 2230051
- First shift exam will be held from morning to 12.45 pm
- Second shift exam will be held from noon to five in the evening
- Matric exam will run from February 17 to 24, preparation complete
There will be 74 examination centers in the district
In Patna district 74 examination centers have been set up for Matric examination. A total of 70 thousand 995 candidates will appear in the district. In Patna district, a total of 36 thousand 295 candidates will appear in the first shift, while 34 thousand 700 candidates will appear in the second shift.
Every question will have an option
Bihar Board Chairman Anand Kishor says that the candidates will be given the option of every question in the Matric exam. The optional facility will be available for objective-type questions as well as short-answer and long answer questions.
The exam will be held in two shifts
Matric exam will be conducted in both shifts. Preparation for this has been completed. The first shift exam will start at 9.30, which will continue till 12.45. At the same time, the second shift examination will be held from 1.45 to 5 pm.
Theoretical examination of science will be of 80 marks
80 marks questions will be asked in the theory exam of Science of Matric conducted by the Bihar Board. There will be objective-type questions of total 40 marks. At the same time, questions of 24 marks will be short answers, and questions of 16 marks will be long answer. There will be a practical test of 20 marks.
There will be objective type questions of 40 marks
there will be a total of 40 objective-type questions in the MATIC exam. A total of 80 questions will be asked for this. Out of this, only 40 will have to be made. Each question will be of one mark. Short answer questions of 24 marks and long answer questions of 16 marks: Short answer questions of 24 marks and long answer questions of 16 marks will be asked. There will be a total of 24 short answer questions in the exam, out of which only 12 have to be made. Two marks have been allotted for each. At the same time, there will be long answer questions of 16 marks. Out of this, one question from Physics will be of six marks. Apart from this, one question each of five marks will be from Chemistry and Biology.
BSEB Bihar Board issued guidelines for Matric Exam 2022
Bihar board has issued necessary guidelines related to the examination.
- As per the official notification released by BSEB, candidates appearing for Group 1 exam will be counted in the same group for the rest of the process, and the same will be followed for candidates appearing for Group 2 exam. The officials have been directed to ensure that all necessary COVID-19 related guidelines are followed at all the examination centers of both the groups. Candidates will have to wear face mask while attempting the exam.
- Candidates must remember that no student will be allowed to enter the examination center without the admit card. The officials present at the examination center will allow the candidates to enter the examination hall only after ensuring that the candidates are not allowed to carry mobile phones or any other electronic device inside the examination centre. They must also ensure that they carry their own ballpoint pen.
- Let us tell you, the candidates appearing in Group 1 exam will have to enter the exam center by 9:20 AM, and the entry time for Group 2 exam candidates will be 1:35 PM.
- Group 1 candidates (9:30 to 12:45 hrs) will have to submit their OMR sheets and answer sheets by 12:45 pm, and those appearing for 9:30 to 12:15 pm will have to submit this. You have to submit your OMR sheets by 10:45 am and answer sheets by 12:15 pm.
- Similarly, Group 2 candidates (1:45 pm to 5 pm) will have to submit their OMR sheets by 3:15 pm and answer sheets by 5 pm, and for 1:45-4:30 pm Attendees must do so. Submit your OMR sheets by 3 pm and answer sheets by 4:30 pm. The board had recently conducted the Intermediate Examination 2022, which was held from February 2 to February 14, 2022, in two groups.
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